By: Osage Dior

Acceptance. Acknowledgement. Love parades around as perfection when that is far from the truth. It is more like a raw material found in space that has not been developed yet. When to souls meet in the sky and direct their power towards the center object from opposite directions, this life-less form grows to an energy that can solve the ills of the world…LOVE! Yet, if the two people in this union do not take the time to work together at molding this kryptonite consistency-it can cause a Romeo and Juliet Fate…Star-Crossed Lovers…With an outcome the could be far worse than the creation of “O” a spin on Othello staring Mekhi Phifer. Well…that’s my whimsical spin on love, but I would like to introduce you to three types of relations that I am in the processs of studying: Karmic Relationships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames as explained by Kelley Rosano…Link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n47aJdeLB4