"As a woman you are a profound alchemical portal of transformation for us men. You are a Uni-verse of infinite wonder where all of life exists." Kute Blackson ©NEEMA
By: Osage Dior

A former boss told me, “Ms. Caesar if you don’t stand for something, you stand for nothing…” I can steal my mom’s favorite quote all the time, “I’m neither black or white…I’m in the gray area…” Yeah, she was definitely an artist prior to Prince and his symbol.

Basically, it comes a point in your life where you have to make a decision. Now, it’s not going to be easy, but you have to just do it. The outcome will be the outcome, and worry about perfection later.

Thou Shall Not…

“The grass is always greener on the other side…” I grew up hearing this sayin’ so much, well it just sticks. It sticks like country kitchen neck-bones to your thighs. Ms. Jurnee Smolett-Bell in Temptation did not heed that simple advice, and her character, good ole Judith grew up in the South-walking down the dust roads to school and church. Judith was raised in a good Christian home…but it’s always the      preacher’s kid doing the evil works…

When you hate women, you hate yourself...and can not get BACK TO LOVE!                           ©NEEMA
Waking Gil Scott-Heron
The revolution will not be televised...
The revolution will not be televised...
The revolution will not be televised...
The revolution will not be televised...
The revolution will not be televised...
The revolution will not be televised... ©NEEMA
The Fate of Death…

We are all going to die-well at least physically our bodies will deteriorate to a substance similar to dirt. Even if you believe in the process of reincarnation, your body will be destroyed again-in whatever form that you return. Death is still seen as a taboo in the American culture.  We hide it behind plastic surgery, Botox injection, live longer and live stronger ads, but it does not change anything…Your heart will one day stop beating, your limbs will one day crumble, your throat will refuse to swallow.